author: ArchSys
dateCreated: 0-04-05
dateRecovered: 524-12-22
length: 512
...begin archived section...
- [ryebeach] just dropped out of metadimensional space, evertrhings looking good, should be moored within 48hrs
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] Keep official comms professional please?
- [HallwayBallway] @ryebeach thanks for the update, keep me posted.
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] i cannot WAIT to taste vegies someone else grew
- [ryebeach] @HallwayBallway wait somethigns wired
- [ryebeach] weird*
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] I mean i love getting to grow my own food but just,,
- [HallwayBallway] @ryebeach What is it?
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] @ryebeach @long-hands-in-the-cornfield Again. This is an official channel.
- [ryebeach] Gates are down.
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] Thank you.
- [HallwayBallway] which one?
- [ryebeach] All.
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] its like, you can just lety it go. its not that I dont like groweing its just sometimes you need to set down even the little
things just so you dont forget theyre there, and you can enjoyem again, yaknow?
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] wait fuck
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] What?
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] @ryebeach What?
- [HallwayBallway] @eggsteam-enjoyer Can you double check this? Make sure our sensors are working?
- [ryebeach] All the gates are down. All ofthem
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] Will do.
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] fuck
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] how even?
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] fuick
- [HallwayBallway] @long-hands-in-the-cornfield we might be in a situation, please don't clog comms.
- [HallwayBallway] But yea, seconded.
- [HallwayBallway] Fuck.
- [ryebeach] ok idk if we trust the sensors but,,
- [ryebeach] its dead out there
- [ryebeach] nobody's flying
- [HallwayBallway] Alright, keep us headed towards our port-of-call, but don't rush.
- [ryebeach] o7
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] Sensor re-calibration done.
- [ryebeach] Gates still down.
- [HallwayBallway] Ok. Thank you.
- [HallwayBallway] @eggsteam-enjoyer scan local news. Try to figure out what's going on.
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] Already started.
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] Only hits so far are official statements about the takeoff moratorium remaining in place.
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] But some people still tried?
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] And
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] Oh.
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] Captain, they shot down violators.
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] fuck
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] Civilians.
- [HallwayBallway] @ryebeach cancel our heading, hold us here.
- [ryebeach] done
- [ryebeach] but captain?
- [ryebeach] just so you know, it looks like theve seen us.
- [ryebeach] some ships are headed our way, looks like they were parked arround the spike-drive approaches from gate acessible systems?
- [ryebeach] nobody spikes from there though?
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] They didn't remember to think about the colonies.
- [ryebeach] I mean they never do, but what's to think about?
- [HallwayBallway] @ryebeach can we spike out from here?
- [ryebeach] Sure, but we've only got one load of fuel left. We'd have to go somewhere with a depot
- [HallwayBallway] Ok, warm up the drill.
- [ryebeach] What?
- [ryebeach] we just got here?
- [HallwayBallway] Lets keep our options open.
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] what the fuck if hjappeneing
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] sorry captain
- [HallwayBallway] Its alright, why don't you come sit with me?
- [long-hands-in-the-cornfield] thanks mom
- [HallwayBallway] ':/
- [ryebeach] weve got a hail from the ships thatre coming in, you wanna take it captain?
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] STIP
- [HallwayBallway] Patch it through
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] DONT FUCKJING ANSWWE THAT
- [HallwayBallway] What?
- [HallwayBallway] Tomomi?
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] They just tried at least 2000 diff overide codes on us, maybe more.
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] Locking everythgibg down
- [HallwayBallway] Spike.
- [ryebeach] Wha
- [HallwayBallway] @ryebeach Spike.
- [ryebeach] drills not evenb warmed up yet!
- [HallwayBallway] jessy, trust me, I need you to punch right now
- [ryebeach] Yes ma'am, but why? whyre they coming for us?
- [eggsteam-enjoyer] We have a way out.
...end archived section...