
author: Dr. Vadnais-Carver
dateCreated: 518-03-25
dateRecovered: 524-06-13
length: 128

...begin voicemail transcription...

The commpad plays a dialtone. "Calling. Papa."

A voice whispers, "Drew look, she's sitting on your commpad. She's so adorable."

There are muffled sounds of people talking, but Drew saying, "Stop biting me!" is audible. A meow.

"The board says her name is Penny."

"Penny! Stop biting me!"

A shuffling noise and angrier meowing. Suddenly, the audio quality becomes clearer.

The sound of maniacal giggling "Stars," she snorts "Drew look." She starts wheezing "That's the funniest thing I've ever seen."

"Gwen, you're laughing so much I literally cannot hear the words you're saying"

"She sat on your commpad so weirdly that you've been calling your dad for the last 6 minutes."

"I WHAT?! End call end call end call please please please"

...end voicemail transcription...