
author: Dr. Maj Carver
dateCreated: 501-05-13
dateRecovered: 524-06-11
length: 447

huh. finally got most of the bugs ironed out with the local systems, bar the odd hiccup that i cant pin down, so i decided to hook her up to whatevers left of the global network and take a peek around. maybe spot a lonely server still spinning forwards on its own inertia. i used the old docking protocols so any remaining systems would recognize the ship as supposed to be here, and play nice. but when the connection was established, a message got delivered to the ship. not the standard message packet for interstellar data hitchhiking, but a discrete message, for an old account. the only reason i caught it was i was looking for exactly this, servers thatre still up trying to establish contact. i almost wrote it off as being the standard packet too, but it was a tiny transfer, way too small for a message packet. gotta finish cataloging the other responses I got, but ill circle back on this. feels weird, but ig snooping + time = history

Update: the account was child locked, so i can see the message with root perms, but that didnt clarify much. kinda creepy, i mean what kind of name is echoesIntoStatic? maybe just a melodramatic kid. it looks like this was sent **pre-scream**. and only by a week or two. shit, i hope it wasnt a melodramatic kid.. fuck.
it has a bunch of tracking metadata too. i havent dived in yet, but it looks like it was stuck in a mail server for 4 centuries. huh

Update: ok, i did some digging, and this just gets weirder and weirder. im inferring this from metadata and the logs the mail server will give me, but it looks like this message was coming out of some academy with a restrictive info policy. it was flgged for human review that never came, prolly the scream. sat in a queue for 68 standards before being sent out for some reason??? prolly integer overflow, because the time diff between entering and exiting the queue is 2,147,483,648 seconds, but who stores time data as signed???? could be based on a difference actually, idk. somebody ficked up. i guess they didnt think a message would sit in the queue for 70 years, which is fair, but it pays to be thorough. anyways, it looks like the message was being sent to someone on this ship, wendy hsiu. crazy. small sector. anyways, i looked for and info on her, but it looks like pretty much all the pre-occupation data was overwritten. or maybe its just inaccessible? i really cant tell. this ship is a labyrinth, physically and digitally. thats why i love her though : )