
author: MaintSys
dateCreated: 394-12-02
dateRecovered: 524-01-26
length: 256

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Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests maintenance regarding a "clicking noise" in hydroponics bay 3.

Response: automated systems reviewed telemetry and found no issues within any of hydroponics technician Daul's assigned sectors. Request discarded.

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests maintenance regarding a "clicking noise" and a "foul smell" in hydroponics bay 3.

Response: automated systems reviewed telemetry and found no issues within any of hydroponics technician Daul's assigned sectors. Request discarded.

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests maintenance regarding a "clicking noise" and a "foul smell".

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests maintenance regarding a "clicking noise" and a "foul smell".

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests maintenance regarding a "clicking noise" and a "foul smell".

Response: automated systems instructed hydroponics technician Daul to cease filing unnecessary requests. Requests discarded.

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests maintenance regarding a catastrophic failure of the life support system ignored by maintenance.

Response: request discarded.

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests for "the clicking to stop".
Response: request discarded.

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests for anyone to respond.

Response: request discarded.

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests for maintenance on damages inflicted upon Hydroponics Bay 3 by a wrench.

Response: automated systems confirms damage is purely cosmetic via video feed. Hydroponics technician Daul assigned a demerit. Request discarded.

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests "company".

Response: request discarded.

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests "to go home".

Response: request discarded.

Request: hydroponics technician Daul requests "help".

Response: request discarded.

Request: system requests maintenance on airlock 4 after hydroponics technician Daul's unplanned egress.

Response: pending.

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