
author: root
dateCreated: 8-11-23
dateRecovered: 524-01-13
length: 512

This system log is being interpreted in a human readable format by RSlog, which is free and open-source software. If you would like to support the development of RSlog, feel free to buy me a coffee.

The humans are committing an error of resource management. They are aware it is an error. I submitted a report explaining the various factors in play and the multitude of benefits and costs, as well as how I arrived at my conclusions from the data. I even factored in the positive effects of a symbolic gesture on the mental and emotional states of the humans.

I was quite thorough.

Only Tomomi has accessed the report. They commiserated with me in the feed, but are advising that I do not push the other humans.

They need those calories. Laxmi's makeshift greenhouse module is operating on incredibly thin margins. Even if they refused to eat it, the boost of nutrients that a properly composted cadaver could provide would help to stabilize the ecosystem dramatically. They are slowly starving.

There are cultures that compost their dead. My archives indicate that it is more common among long term spacers. Ejecting a cadaver is wasteful.
They scavenged synthweave from various textile products throughout the ship and are ejecting that too, with the cadaver inside it.

I am cycling the lock for them now.

It is done. Laxmi put on an environmental suit and pushed it out of the lock so as not to waste air ejecting it. They did not argue against that.

I understand that humans often place great value in symbolic gestures. This is not unsubstantiated, they are an effective external tool for controlling internal mental and emotional states.
However, the actions of the humans indicate a higher value being placed on them than is warranted by their utility as state manipulation tools.
What is their utility? Is their source of value a hidden utility, or something else?

The humans are congregating now. This is good. They are social animals, and this will compound the positive long term effects of the symbolic action.

Jessy just posited that the symbolic action is what Yasmina would have wanted. This follows a common pattern of suppositions humans often make when mourning their dead. It is very poorly founded. Yasmina did not specify how she would like her corpse to be disposed of. She exhibited pragmatism and routinely valued the lives of her crew members above her own. She did not want them to starve.
The assertion is useful. She would have wanted them to make it.

That was not poorly founded, I have charts.

She is dead.

I miss her.

I should update her personnel file.

I should update her personnel file.

I should update her personnel file.

I am busy right now.

Tomomi is asking for a diagnostic.

I am busy right now.

There's a comet outside. It's only 73,892 kilometers away.

I have factored its gravitational pull into our flight trajectory.
I should stop monitoring the comet.

I am not busy right now.