
author: Dr. Vadnais-Carver
dateCreated: 498-01-18
dateRecovered: 524-01-04
length: 128

The Mandate Era date system (BME/ME) was the standard for human communication between worlds for almost four and a half centuries, long after the fall of the Terran Mandate. In modern times, the Mandate Era has increasingly fallen out of favor. Replacing it are a wide range of eras, with wildly varying names, calendars, and clocks, but in a way they are more unified that human timekeeping has ever been. With few exceptions, all modern calendar eras start at the most universal event in human history: The Scream. Traders, noting this and in need of a new inter-system standard date system, created the Post Scream Era (BSE/PSE). While no polity has adopted PSE, it has become the date system of spacers, scientists, and logisticians sector wide.